HRM Investigations


(Workplace & EEOC)


The most serious and complex workplace investigations – such as bullying, harassment, discrimination or retaliation – demand a prompt, sensitive and rigorous approach. This is for the sake of both the individuals involved – to stop the inappropriate behavior – and your organization, to avoid risks of potential liability and highly negative reputation damage.

Investigations often involve tangles of claims and counter-claims, sometimes involving the senior team.  Investigative processes and techniques can also be complicated, so we believe working with a properly trained and experienced workplace investigator is most beneficial to achieving the most desirable outcomes.

As an employer, you need a solid basis for taking action against employees in response to claims of inappropriate behavior, and defending yourself against claims of inaction and unfair treatment.  

Our primary objective in every investigation is to gather all relevant information concerning the alleged or suspected problem in a way that enables management to make better informed decisions while enforcing its policies and carrying out appropriate corrective action.

We investigate many types of employee misconduct including workplace bullying, harassment, discrimination, theft and other activities deemed potential policy violations.

Harassment, Discrimination and Misconduct Investigations

Our Investigation Engagement Process

HRM’s skilled and experienced investigators who will work with you to:

  • Review the complaint and identify the goals of the investigation;

  • Identify the time frame to conduct the investigation;

  • Identify any legal considerations, such as working with an attorney to establish and protect attorney-client privilege;

  • Identify and review applicable company policies and relevant physical evidence; and

  • Identify potential witnesses and the order in which they should be interviewed.

Our experienced workplace investigators will learn your organization’s policies, procedures, rules, and organization culture to aide in the information-gathering and investigation planning processes.

Investigations typically require interviews of the complainant(s), witnesses, and finally the alleged harasser(s).

The interviews are performed without coercion, threats, or promises. The individuals’ admissions are detailed in written notes during interviews. Optionally, interviews may be audio recorded and/or in the presence of a designated company management witness.

Our investigators generally do not make any recommendations concerning the form of disciplinary action to be taken.  At the end of the investigation, we will provide a detailed report to assist management and their counsel in their decision making.

Finally, we can provide post-investigation recommendations regarding harassment and discrimination prevention, education, and training.

Advantages of HRM Investigators

HRM conducts fair, prompt and impartial investigations and mediations based upon professional best practices. Although you may have internal resources for conducting investigations and solving employee problems, circumstances may call for an external workplace investigator, mediator or coach. This can be the case when there are actual or perceived biases or other conflicts of interest with an internal mediator or investigator, when the issues are sensitive or complex, when they involve high-level executives, or when your internal team lacks the time or expertise to conduct an investigation or mediation.

We also conduct individual, customized coaching sessions. These can be useful after an investigation or mediation, supporting HR team members in learning how to better handle an investigation or coaching employees who may need to modify their behavior.