HRM leave administration

Leave Administration


HRM offers leave administration duties in partnership with client management assistance.  This frees up time and resources to focus on other HR priorities and ensures leave program(s) are accurately and consistently managed.  Our clients are able to maintain the most important responsibility- personal employee interaction. 

Our leave administration provides the following:

  1. Compliance Support: our Consultants are available for questions, research and guidance.  We monitor both State and Federal regulations, research, interpretation and answer compliance questions.

  2. Leave Determination: to ensure that our client’s leave program is managed consistently across the organization, we help determine employee eligibility and qualified leave requests to help reduce costs associated with granting leave to people who don’t qualify.

  3. Document Management: to save our clients time and effort, we streamline the leave management process by monitoring all required documents and maintain a confidential database of the leave requests.

  4. Certification Review: we audit all certifications and provide notification of deficiencies, as well as recommend second opinions and facilitate access to healthcare providers for support information needed/requested.

  5. Leave Tracking: we track and monitor employee time under Federal, State and company-specific programs as well as provide notification of suspected abuse, or if an employee is running low on available leave. This is especially helpful for employees taking intermittent leave.

  6. Reporting: we provide regular comprehensive reporting on employees’ leave program utilization, including compliance summaries, alerts and more with the goal of providing visibility of trends across client organization.